Coming: April 15, 2025. “Just One More” by Nigel Foster is a memoir that intertwines the author’s passions for kayaking, guitar playing, and coffee. The book explores Foster’s adventures and experiences across various locations, including Australia, Sweden, Florida, Indonesia, and Taiwan. It delves into historical anecdotes, personal stories, and the cultural significance of these hobbies. Foster reflects on the evolution of kayaking, the craftsmanship of guitars, and the global journey of coffee. The narrative is enriched with encounters with diverse people, unique places, and the natural world, offering a blend of travelogue, history, and personal insight.
Just One More Guitar: Kayak, Coffee
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- Publishernigel kayaks
- ISBN-13978-1-7364203-4-8
- ISBN-10
- Language
- Page Count226
- Dimensions (inches)9 x 6 x 0.5
- Item Weight11.5 oz