Writer . Teacher . Designer
Meet Nigel Foster
You'll find him approachable and non-dogmatic, with a touch of British humor.
learn by doing
Hire Nigel Foster
Nigel has a wealth of experience gained from years leading classes and expeditions all over the planet. Tap into that knowledge: why not offer classes, or a presentation, to elevate your club? Or consult him to design an instructional program to enhance your business.
Contact Uskayaking books
Books by Nigel Foster
Explore with Nigel as he recounts his adventures in far-flung corners of the world, offering insights and compelling detail.
Browse Books
His top-level instruction and coaching is apparent in his technical books too, which break down complexities into easily comprehensible steps, with key points and reminders.kayaks, paddles & more
Nigel's Gear
Design driven by the needs of paddlers. Curiousity, keen observation, and a quest for perfection, focused Nigel's attention on kayak design.
Applying his skills to prototype and test equipment and kayaks in conditions, and his understanding of the effects of small details on design, his results are innovative and effective.